At our clinic, we aim to provide you with timely physician access, pertinent health information and services to better your general health and wellbeing.
For your privacy and security please follow these guidelines for the most suitable method of communicating with us
Committed to top quality health services, we strive to provide the best health care possible
South Shore Medical Clinic
At South Shore Medical Clinic in Brooks, Alberta, we are an interdisciplinary practice providing family health services, chronic disease management, dietary counselling and mental health counselling, as well as basic lab services and sleep disorder care.
Interdisciplinary family practice teams work in family physician clinics to deliver chronic disease management services. Physicians, registered nurses, dietitians, and counselors may be part of your primary care team.
In the event that your family doctor is away, our highly collaborative work environment ensures that the doctor who sees you will be up-to-date with your medical history, so you'll never have to waste time explaining.
We're always accepting new patients. To get in contact with us, please call 403-793-8111.
South Shore Medical Clinic
Committed to Top Quality Health Services
At South Shore Medical Clinic, our physicians and Primary Care Network (PCN) nurses are dedicated to serving you with essential health services and information. In treating chronic diseases, we will keep you up-to-date with the latest practices and guidelines in order to provide you with the most promising health care services available.
We strive to provide the best health care possible and are working to achieve:
Improved Access - you won't have to wait a long period of time to see a physician.
Improved Efficiency - you won't spend much time in our waiting room and you'll see the right health professional at the right time.
Improved Clinical Care Outcomes - we'll give you the information, options and tools to enable you and your family to be full partners in your health care.
Improved Patient Education - we are confident you will find our improvement strategies to be useful, effective and beneficial contribution to your health.
South Shore Medical Clinic
As a member of the Primary Care Network (PCN), your health care team member(s) will be aware of the best, most promising practices and current guidelines in chronic disease management.
You can expect a thorough assessment of your condition, health counselling, education and referrals as part of the care you receive from Primary Care Network (PCN) health professionals.
Our nurses help manage chronic disease(s) such as:
Heart Failure
Behavioral Health Consulting
Dietary Counselling
Prevention and Screening
Initial appointments with a Primary Care Network (PCN) health care professional may take as long as one hour. Follow-up appointments may take as long as thirty minutes.
Your physician and other health professional(s) will work together closely in order to improve your health. South Shore Medical Clinic is proud to be affiliated with the Primary Care Network Palliser PCN.
South Shore Medical Clinic
Uninsured services – Alberta Health Care Insurance pays for many of the services you receive from your doctor. However, this government plan does not cover certain “uninsured” services, as follows:
AISH Forms (When Fee is Patient’s Responsibility)
Life Insurance Form
Missed Appointment
Blue Cross Special Authorization Form (If Accepted by Blue Cross)
Missed Physical
Capacity Assessment Reports (Adult Guardianship and Trustee Act)
Non-resident of Canada Doctor Visit (Must Complete Non-Resident of Canada Patient Form)
Disability Driving Placard
Pre-Admission Medical Assessment (Drug/Alcohol Rehab)
Disability Tax Credit
Doctor’s Note
Pre-Employment Health Assessment (Fit to Work Form)
Driver’s Medical (Class 1-4)
Physical Examination Form (For School/Sport Admissions)
Driver’s Medical (Class 5 & 6)
Transfer of Records
Employment Insurance Form (Sick Benefits/Pregnancy)
South Shore Medical Clinic
For each appointment, it is important to bring a valid Alberta Health Care card. If you have changed your telephone number or address since your last visit, please notify our receptionist at your next visit. If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, please call our receptionist in advance.
To book an appointment, please call 403-793-8111 and one of our team members will be happy to help.
To book an appointment using our online Patient Portal Login option you must first register in person at the clinic. Please contact the clinic for more information.
Need help finding our location? Get directions to our clinic in Brooks!
(Para obtener un mapa e instrucciones a nuestra clínica en Brooks, haga click aquí.)
South Shore Medical Clinic
Services in English/ Servicios en Español/ Services en Français
Health services are available in English, Spanish and French.
(Los servicios de salud están disponibles en Inglés, Francés y Español.)
(Les services de santé sont disponibles en Anglais, Français et Espagnol.)
Please note that we do not provide translation services. If our staff, who speak French and Spanish, are on-hand to assist, they will gladly do so. If you rely on translation services, it is best to provide your own, for total clarity.
South Shore Medical Clinic
Due to the insecure nature of email communication, we do not wish to use email as a means of communication with the public or patients for:
(i) regarding questions or issues of a medical nature;
(ii) to establish physician/patient relationships;
(iii) to book or cancel appointments; or
(iv) for inquiries regarding fees, services or similar matters.
Email communications regarding such matters will not be responded to and will be discarded unread. If you wish to contact us regarding medical questions or issues or with regard to appointments, accounts or other questions, please do so by telephone, fax or regular mail in the manner set out in this web site.